Although Ocean Reef is relatively young, our physical history and our written history as a club are unique, rich and colorful. As well, the people who made this history are equally unique, colorful and accomplished. It is incumbent that the Historical Society captures as much of this history as possible for our successors and children. Similarly, it is our obligation to record tomorrow’s history today by accurately capturing and memorializing the current events and happenings at Ocean Reef for use by future generations.
Our sauces are 100% Natural, and full of fresh ingredients from our sub-tropical paradise. In fact the ingredients have been grown locally in our garden where we utilize only organic methods. Absolutely no additives or preservatives have been used. Supplies are limited, as we produce the sauces in harmony with the growing season. Red and Chocolate Habaneros, Pepita and Tabasco Peppers make flavorful and spicy sauces.